Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pictures Of Lip Moles Can I Get These Moles Removed?

Can I get these moles removed? - pictures of lip moles

Well, I have 2 moles next to lip, I had my whole life. I do not want to sound conceited or anything, but I lose confidence in myself sometimes when I can talk to someone say that they observe, but it really begins to rise. Cover them with make-up does not work. You are tall and have never changed color, and I doubt they are highly carcinogenic. When I go to the doctor and tell them what I feel I remove them for aesthetic reasons? I'm not at all to pay, but how would (UK)? and do not really care if I have scars them.BTW 14th I'm trying to build my cofindence please see my parents if Ican holidays.Here to school are some pictures of the lighting makes it look less obvious, but you can see in real life


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